Tiny Pockets Of Organization

And I do mean tiny. My house has mostly recovered from Thanksgiving. It’s not dirty, but I can see piles starting in all of my little clutter spots. Also, I am starting to wonder if I have a little ADD going on. I have a few too many projects.
1. Complete TG recovery.
2. Complete Christmas shopping.
3. Plant all the flowers that I bought last week.
4. Frame all the prints I have for the front stairway.
5. Attack the disaster that is our master suite.
6. Buy and paint wood molding, so it can be installed.

So, I’m taking inspiration from these little organized spots in my home.

Mail I need to go through.

This is a vintage toast rack that I am using for mail near my front door. Sometimes it holds mail that needs to go out. Right now it holds mail that I want to go through. This is helpful because one of my biggest problems is junk mail. I have become very paranoid about identity theft. Even though I have insurance for that, I think I need to shred everything. I’m trying to get over it and not be so crazy! The toast rack helps because it doesn’t hold much, and I only put stuff in it that I really need or want to deal with. The rest is trash or recycling. Coincidentally, there is a toast rack up for grabs today over at High Street Market. So if you think you might want one, go and enter. I must confess that I like the giveaway one better than mine. 🙂 Also, I’ve done several transactions with Kelly from her shop and everything has always gone beautifully.

Sippy wrangling!

I came up with this last year for when little people visit. All the different sippy cup parts seem to get lost in the cupboard and take up valuable space on the lower shelves. As a short person with a tall kitchen, I need those shelves! This also makes the plastic cups more easily accessible for the older kids. The sippy cups are from Born Free and are BPA free. The plastic cups are from Tupperware and are not. If anyone has a recommendation for BPA free plastic drinking glasses, I would love to hear about it. Oh yeah, basket from Target.

Organized Armoire

This is my opening salvo in the master suite battle. I didn’t take any pictures of the destruction around the armoire that continues into the master closet. I may take some so I can do a before and after, but I’m not sure. It’s pretty bad. And as long as I don’t show pictures, you’ll never really know or believe how bad it is. Unless you are my friend’s husband who thought my house was always clean, so I sent him pictures one time and he STILL didn’t believe me! He said the mess looked staged! I guess everyone needs their delusions. I am slightly concerned for him, that my supposedly clean house is one of his. 😉

Anyone else on project overload? Everyone else?

8 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Janie P on December 6, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    Great Ideas and a personal goal for me too. Thanks for the ideas and for the head’s up on the give away on High Street Market. Something like that could organize my incoming mail so I don’t lose track of bills that come at off times.



  2. I enjoy your posts so much.. it’s like I am talking to a good friend… learning, sharing, venting. I love it!!!

    Anyways, can you believe I don’t have a Christmas tree yet??? We got one on Saturday, when we put it up, it looked so bad (the brunches) that we couldn’t leave like that.. so, I will go “hunt” for another tree some time this week. This never happened before.. it’s kind funny.. but there’s so much to be done still! 🙂


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com


    • Luciane, I’ve never had that happen before either. Crazy!!! I have NO Christmas decor up yet. But we usually leave ours up all through the Christmas season after Christmas. So, I’m just going to get to it in the next couple of week when I can. Good luck on the tree hunt.

      I love how upbeat and enthusiastic you always are. 🙂


  3. Oh my gosh – can TOTALLY relate! I am throwing two holiday parties before next week, and what sis I spend today doing??? Trying to organize my closet! Two hours and three bags to take to Goodwill later … still not done! Pitiful!

    I love your organized armoire!


  4. good job for you !


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