Green, I Mean Pink Bathroom Progress!

We spent Saturday trying to undo my green paint fiasco. Here is what it looked like last week (sort of, this picture has the old counter):

After painting, but before the new counter.

Then it became this:

Bye Bye Green

And then this:

Trying to show the pink walls, white crown and cream ceiling

The color we used is Magnolia Grandiflora, by Martha Stewart at Home Depot. I like it. It’s definitely not Pepto, which was our greatest fear. I never said anything before, but it’s pretty funny that I’m having a pink bathroom. Because I gave my mom a hard time for over a decade about her Pepto pink and gray bathroom (inherited with the house) that she finally got rid of this year. It was magnificently hideous!

The lights are up:

Chatham Collection from RH

The new faucet has been installed (thanks, Honey!):

New Faucet and the top of my head

The new mirror and new window treatment are on order. I like them both, but I’m nervous about how it’s all going to come together. I’ve changed directions so many times on this one that I’m a little concerned. Usually when I re-do a room, I have a cohesive picture in my mind and it comes out pretty close. It’s not happening with this one, so I’m concerned that the final product will look disjointed. We’ll see…

In case you are interested, here are the other posts about this bathroom:
Click here for the original post.
This is about the first paint color.
Green for a while.
What to do about the green.
New counters.
It seems like I’ve been working on this darn bathroom forever!

PS Did you notice anything new in my pictures yesterday? I got a new lamp!



I’m loving it. I thought the husband would be happy, too. He hates the old lamp. I bought it without showing it to him first and he said it looked like someone pooped on our end table! But when he saw the new one he said, “What the hell is this?!”. Some people are never happy. 😉

8 responses to this post.

  1. I just painted my bathroom green… and I am having second and third thoughts. I can’t seem to make up my mind. My husband wants the project done, so now my time is crunching in on me. I thought I’d get to paint the master before heading back to the bathroom… I think if I could completely finish the bathroom today, he’d have me do it. I’m having that feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me it may or may not turn out a disaster.


    • Good luck with your painting and thanks for stopping by. I know how you feel about the time crunch. We have guests coming on Friday, and it looks like the shower and tub fixtures will not get changed before they get here. If I knew before that I was going to have so much trouble with the paint color, I think I would have hired someone. I read a blog by a designer who is a color specialist, and next time, I think I’ll have her pick the color.


  2. I love the new lamp! I love modern shapes in lamps. Well, everything really, I’m not big on scrolly things.

    We had a green disaster in our bedroom. The green that I wanted to be more celery/pear green turned out more mint ice cream.


    I’ve painted the bedroom four times already. I just can’t deal with painting it again for at least another year. It’s staying this color for a while.

    Hooray for the pink!


    • Thanks! I completely agree with you on the mint thing. That’s why I didn’t keep adding white to my original green. It would have gotten minty. And that’s not how I roll. 😉


  3. Posted by Brother on August 31, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    I think you should have just taken the amount of money you were planning to spend the first time around and lit it on fire and left things alone…then at least Shane would still have the money from the fixes


    • What the ____? I’ve only wasted $50 bucks, which was on paint. We already owned the primer and I won the tape in a give away. I am now going to send your wife an email full of expensive stuff she “needs” for the new house! 🙂


  4. […] bathroom for what seems like a year. You can read about the never ending saga here, here, and also here. But most importantly, you should read this post. ***Special Note*** I should have some good news […]


  5. Ah now I see the results and it all seems worth the dance with death you had earlier 🙂 As a male of the species I will never appreciate the niceties of the color pink but that’s a lovely faucet you have to go with the walls. Great work guys.


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